Tuesday, May 03, 2005

Smart Wal Mart

This is not about illegal workers or cheap labour. This is about exploiting the human need to feel important. If you look at the Wal Mart weekly brochure (the one that lands up in your mailbox along with all the other junk mail) you can see non-model like figures, wearing Wal Marty products, staring at you. The associate manager is sporting the latest sandals , and the manager is wearing that cool summer dress. I try in vain to find a picture of a cashier or one of those helpers (ppl wearing blue jackets you bug in the store when you cannot find something). So I have this theory that you need to be high up in the organization to get yourself into one of those ubiquitous booklets. I imagine there is a waiting period. Perhaps, this is also used as an incentive. The best employee of the month can appear on the cover. Aah! I await the next weekly edition where the common man meets the silver screen.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Of all, walmart has never been an employee friendly. Infact it has been notorious when it comes to treating its "labor" employees.
I wonder how many people have the eye to look at walmart pamplets..because as far as I know they have "sales" throughout the year -- so why even announce it. One would announce something only if it something special.

May 05, 2005 12:44 PM  

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