Friday, February 09, 2007

Untraining my writing

My brain needs to understand that writing a blog is not equivalent to writing a paper.

Warning bells ring wildly in my academic-driven-pedantic-mind at the use of a negative in the sentence above. I am disallowed from using "not" in my research writing. A sacred rule that simply must be obeyed. Surely, I can rely on my moderately expansive vocabulary to pen a few words that less than five people read (I include myself twice in this list), without resorting to a thesaurus.

Know your audience and style your writing to suit them. Does this apply to a blog ? As mentioned earlier in Section 3.2 (sheesh), there are about three readers - my mom, my brother and my cousin.

Amma cherishes each post just as a mother will. My brother on the other hand - a famous, successful blogger (with his own fan club on orkut!) - occasionally graces my blog to reaffirm his superiority in the blogger world. I have had to bear taunts such as "I think by blog-rolling you, I have significantly increased your traffic". Maybe he used a different word - significantly fits better in an experimental-results-section. My cousin - an intellectual who loves a debate - chooses to respond to only certain posts that suggest potential-world-wars. This is a confirmation of his elitism. And I mean that in a good way.

So going back to the rule of knowing your audience, the reader (if you did make it this far and are not related to me, thank you *sniff*) should infer that this rule is pretty pointless. I truly believe, a blog is where the writer is the reader and writes because she adores sentence construction, revels in self-mockery and harbors a secret feeling of superiority over all blogs that have less than 3 readers. I think I have managed to "untrain" my writing just a little bit. The title of this post bears little relation to the contents. Reminds me of my research work! :-)



Anonymous Anonymous said...

yes, you need to unlearn the learnt to stay afresh and original.

Problem with pedantic writers are Paved ways, charted thoughts, set lines,rigid boundries, predefined results,which hinder the gush,volume,flow,original flavour of fertile,unshackled creative unhindered thoughts thro new,free words .

Elephants get shackled by small metal ring on their leg, where as they break Fortess Doors and come back to get shackled in small Layams...

It's Mental Breakup... required.


your mahout

February 09, 2007 9:58 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Great post! I liked this a lot as
it showed the humane,fallible side of yours,against the analytical mind :-)

February 09, 2007 9:51 PM  
Blogger Raghav said...

*Looks around* this is the blog that has been getting my visitors..muhahahahaha..

btw ur english..*over my head*

February 15, 2007 8:39 PM  

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