Sunday, July 16, 2006

Pirates of the Caribbean - Dead Man's Chest

Is the sequel worth 8$ ? No.

As with all movies the original stands out. I wonder if it is possible to apply this analogy to first love. I digress.

Jack Sparrow is back with his shallow values and effeminate mannerisms. It felt like Depp went back and watched himself over and over again in "curse of black pearl", so much that we are subjected to an overdose of Sparrow's lisping savvy.

The story is unclear and whatever plot the Disney folks cooked up is explained in strange accents, so much that the audience feel guilty that they are not smart enough to follow what is going on. Idiots.

It is like a run-of-the-mill Bollywood movie. Instead of expensive songs we have stunning graphics and visuals which are quite disgusting thanks to the details! I am truly not a fan of icky monsters.

Keira's cheek bones seems more prominent. Someone get her to eat. Orlando Bloom is bland as can be. There is no chemistry between the two. And then we have a twisted romantic angle, Depp & Keira ? Maybe a setup for the trilogy ending. Whatever.

If you have nothing better to do then go read a book. Not see the movie.

Saturday, July 15, 2006

Perfect gift for the lazy Peeping Tom

Can you see the bookshelf in this stunning picture of Sydney ? Zoom in.

Taken with Canon 10D (using stitch option).

Week's woes - of wars & tomatoes

  • With powerless govts to stop the fanatical militant groups we have a rush of violence - Mumbai / Israel-Lebanon ongoing conflict / LTTE...
  • Obviously nothing can top the first woe. But I think it is time the world knew about a stolen tomato.
My dedication to nurturing my first potted plant is a recorded fact. And this plant produced one small tomato. Green with splashes of yellow. End of July and so I was told was the due date. Each evening I would water it lovingly; at times be tempted to bring a tape and measure the diameter. I did talk to the plant. No no.. no names yet. It is considered unlucky to name it ahead of its legal entrance into this world.

The day was like any other; I carried some extra soil to pad the pot. And then there was none. No tomato. The pot looked stripped of all its glory.

I am from Chennai. It has the meanest of streets and hosts the worst of truants. Events like a stolen tomato should not affect me. But it did shake me a little from the protective cocoon I was living in here, in the USA. In a college town where students sleep peacefully with their doors unlocked, is it unreasonable to have an unprotected tomato plant ?

Well atleast I hope someone enjoyed a delicious dish made from my tomato. Isn't that the typical Hindu reaction ? Or in keeping with the current trend should I wage jihad on all tomato-eaters of this planet ?

Thursday, July 06, 2006

Mouse Potato

Inspired by couch potato, mouse potato is a new word for a person who spends too much time with computers.

A question of interest : Is this term applicable to everyone ? I don't think so. Below are some suggestions:

Potato: A person who looks that; computers not responsible for appearance

Mouse Potato: Layman who surfs for pleasure. Uses the mouse great deal.

Cat Potato: The geek who prides on using only the keyboard. Cats hate mice. When you can call the mouse a mouse, I can call the keyboard a cat.

Couchy-Mouse Potato: Mouse potato sleeping on couch and surfing.

Mobile Potato: Oxymoron. Scratch that.

Bent-knee Potato: Person always using a laptop. Etymology: from position of body.

Saturday, July 01, 2006

The Federer-Cream-Jacket mystery

Every Federer fan who has been following Wimbledon closely would have noticed that the greatest-one dons a cream-jacket at the end of every match. It is a formal jacket. Worn over the tennis attire. For the disbelievers here is proof:

It is natural to speculate if the debonair Swiss, like many of his women colleagues, is testing an alternate career in fashion ? As a true fan I decided perhaps the lines between genius and madness are indeed blurry. I could forgive a sartorial disaster now and then. But I must confess my days were often shadowed by his sudden display of avoidable fashion. However, today a one of my favorite columnists, Martin Johnson, put me out of my misery by explaining the mystery of the cream jacket -

" return for a few extra quid from Nike, he is now obliged to walk on to court wearing a cream jacket"

Nike. You have just done it. your fashion consultant. And where is your logo on the jacket. Isn't that the point ?