Friday, June 10, 2005

Men don't deserve faithful wives

My maid complained the other day that her husband was publicly leching another married woman. When she protested he threatened to throw her out of the house. Ironically she brings in a substantial part of the income. He beats her every night for no reason and suspects her every move.

As you move towards the higher strata of the society, men adapt less crude methods. Emailing ex-girlfriends, internet pornography, after dark chats etc are some of the lesser evils. Extrapolate it and you will have full fledged affairs.

I am not a feminist (atleast I hope I don't turn into one) but going by the staggering proportion of men breaking the rules, I am forced to focus on them. So why is so it difficult for a married man to be faithful? Here I define unfaithful as any salacious behaviour that does not involve the legal better half. You don't have to have sexual intercourse with that third person to violate the norms of fidelity. The mere thought is contaminating enough.

Do women have to swallow the age old explanation that they are constantly looking to expand their progeny. BS.
Guys, if you are incapable of keeping your woman happy, don't get married. You don't deserve someone who devotes her entirety to you.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Have you watched Desperate Housewives? I say that the women who put up with it deserve your misguided anger. So women, if you are unhappy with a relationship, your spouse (or girlfriend for that matter) is unfaithful -- use your bird-brain -- Dump him and get out.

Can women figure this simple idea out -- stop whining and empower yourself?

June 10, 2005 3:36 PM  
Blogger Subbu said...

Dump him and get out.
Easier said than done. Not all the world is like USA where single mothers or divorcees can lead respectable lives. Maybe you should spend some time in a more traditional society before deciding that women who choose to take the crap have bird-brains

June 13, 2005 10:36 AM  

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