We went grocery shopping in a local supermarket in Chennai. There were about 4 aisles and 3 billing counters. It was so beautiful. I did not have to walk miles (like in Walmart) to buy some milk. Whats more, there is exactly one kind of milk packet to buy. So I did not have to wonder about buying skimmed milk, 1/2/3/4..percent milk,low fat milk, soya milk, flavored milk, organic milk etc. Of course there were moments of unpleasant surprises when I discovered that Horlicks came in about 5 different flavors (just who would drink the honey one!) and that Betty Crocker might be making headway with her readymade cake mixes.
I was overjoyed to zip between the aisles and buy cheese and a tennis ball in under 30 seconds. One cannot possibly do this in ANY Walmart as all of them have the exact same topography unless you are a combination of P T Usha and Dhara Singh (how fast can you run pushing a truck sized shopping cart?) .
And who said popcorn was only for the theaters or microwaves. Namma popcorn thambi, located right outside the shop churned out some delicious indian masala popcorn. Yummy.