Thursday, March 10, 2005

Doctors cannot prognosticate!

The flu graced our home last weekend, my husband being the principle host. I played Florence Nightingale, confident that my immune system could easily fight these weak foreign viruses. After all I had survived typhoid, hepatitis and other deadlier diseases. Monday morning my throat felt a little scratchy. The kind that disappears after a hot cup of coffee. And so I thought. I go to the doctor just to make sure that I am not coming down with a flu. I could see that the Italian practitioner was puzzled. I didn't look sick at all. So inorder to while away some time, he delved into the theory of viruses and explained how they spread etc. He did hesitantly mention that I looked too healthy to be afflicted by anything. He reluctantly wrote a prescription for some cough medicine (I told him I had no cough at all) I had a sore throat! Perhaps, cough medicine was abundant and cheaper at the school clinic.

Last three days, I have been sick with chest congestion, running nose and breathing difficulties. I am not a hypochondriac and this is just to illustrate that it does not pay to go to your physician ahead of time. They need adequate evidence to tell you what you already know. A far cry from preventive medication.



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