Lots has happened the past months. M.S.Subbalakshmi died. So ironical since, my last post was about her. The tsunami has destroyed countless lives. We went skiing at -15 degrees celsius. So many times the past few days, I yearned to write- in vain.
I am 24 now. A year older and none the wiser. I now have my veena and its mere presence provides great pleasure to me. Reminds me of home. Got malagapodi from amma..Have to start studying. When, I wonder?
I am missing my family obsessively. I imagine amma's reaction to hot water coming out of the tap, appa's enthusiasm for the wide and lush green spaces to walk in, rags delight to 24/7 internet connection. I imagine seeing them in the airport when they come to receive me. Just the mere thought that I will see them sometime soon seems unreal. I am counting days and have already begin making a list of things that I would want to buy for them. I believe I am fated to live a life where I miss someone or the other. It might seem romantic with a bittersweet quality but trust me the bitterness is overwhelming.